School Pictures

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    Here are the Class pictures from my school in Indore. Try to find out where I am in each one. If you are able to find me in any one of them, then you can easily figure out where I am in the rest. For answers, scroll down to the end.

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th grade

5th grade

I haven't put any pictures of my school after that, since by now it must be easy to figure out where I am. 

Picture of 1st grade,

2nd row from the bottom and second from the right.

Picture of 2nd grade,

bottom row and 3rd from the right

Picture of 3rd grade,

bottom row, and 3rd from the right

Picture of 4th grade,

bottom row and 3rd from the left

Picture of 5th grade,

bottom row and 3rd from the right.